Customers want you to solve an issue for them, save them time or money, or add value to their lives. Intelligent Automation can help you achieve this in today’s hyper-connected world.
A happy customer is one who will be loyal to you and your business for a long time to come. Technology is crucial for us to be able to enable a better customer relationship and respond to their needs. To deliver the end customer the ultimate experience.
However, delivering a customer-journey project poses a complex challenge especially when it requires problem solving around new technological challenges, integrations, and enterprise wide collaboration.
But when you do successfully connect people, process, and technology you can accelerate productivity, empower your teams, create new outcomes and transform user experiences at scale, while minimising the risks.
A Unified Enterprise approach to Intelligent Automation
A unified enterprise approach unites a suite of digital services and frameworks, powered by an Intelligent Automation platform, to create a next-generation target operating model.
It is universally understood that the four crucial things a customer needs are a fair price; good service; good product; and to feel valued. To deliver a customer-centric journey a unified enterprise approach uses AI-enabled technologies to unify enterprise-wide operations around the core end-to-end journeys of customers, suppliers and employees.
The critical step in the digital transformation journey is to consider all processes that directly impact the customer. Failure to make them feel valued risks delivering incomplete and inconsistent experiences across the new customer centric journeys.
Digital transformation
Digital transformations require big and bold commitments rather than just improving the business by selective digital activity. Digital and emerging automation solutions, coupled with the critical need to access meaningful data in real-time, is forcing the back and middle offices to support the customer experience needs of the front office without having the optimum processes to leverage in place.
Any organisation can take all the cool social, mobile and interactive tech we use in our everyday lives and transform. Creating that ultimate experience for all the people in its environment, its customers, suppliers and employees is the true success gained through digital transformation.
How to achieve a Unified Enterprise
The use of Intelligent Automation will improve your operations. With an intense customer focus at the core, you can re-imagine new ways of working that enable your business to grow efficiently, effectively and at scale.
Three-step approach to a successful digital transformation:
1. Visualise
- Discover, ideate and collaborate to define the digital blueprint leveraging innovations to enable the delivery of the unified end state operating model - the digital ‘Unified Enterprise’.
- Create tangible business outcomes by applying innovation in ways that are meaningful to the business adding value in every step of the digital transformation journey.
2. Automate
- Innovate and prioritise which projects will provide maximum ROI in an optimum order of sequencing to achieve the end state digital transformation objective.
- Use agile methodologies to rapidly deploy, test and scale the innovations to maximise the benefits.
3. Unify
- Focus on the core principles for Intelligent Automation to be successful.
- Adopt a holistic approach underpinned by the three core pivots to any business, Customer, Employees and Suppliers end to end process journeys.
A Unified Enterprise vision where there are no silo’s or barriers between departments, only a collection of optimised business processes to serve the customer, suppliers and employees is the new way of working in today’s hyper-connected world.
To find out more how Intelligent Automation could accelerate business growth in the new normal, book a free consultation or try our free Intelligent Automation ROI tool.